motivational sms quotes - best wishes

motivational sms quotes

motivational sms quotes:

When situation gets you down, Remember there's Someone in Heaven Who loves you and watches over you And there's someone on Earth who cares… I do,

There’s no oil without squeezing the olives, no wine without pressing the grapes, no fragrance without crushing the flower. So when things press you down, God is taking out the BEST in you!

motivational sms quotes

U're 2 blessed 2 b stressed 2 loaded 2 be folded 2 pretty 2 b pitied 2 required 2 b fired In fact, u're 2 sweet… Stay cool....(motivational sms quotes)

We all face storms that threaten to confuse or disorient us. When you are blinded by life’s disappointment, don’t trust your instincts. God wants to guide you, and His word is packed with wisdom and insights for living. His word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path!

Never Blame any Day In Your Life. Good Days Give you Happiness. Bad Days Give you Experience. Both Are Essential In Life. All Are God's Blessings.

In life, God doesn’t give you the people you want. Instead, He gives you the people you need... to teach you, to hurt you, to love you and to make you exactly the way you should be! Trust God. He knows what’s best.

motivational sms quotes
God will not give you a burden you can't handle. So, if you find yourself in a mess that's impossible, Take it as a compliment - God knows you can do it!(motivational sms quotes)

It’s a joy to feel God’s love embracing you, as He whispers, “Keep going! I’m with you not just on special days but every moment of your life!

When we sigh about our problems, they grow D_O_U_B_L_E. But when we laugh about them, they become o o o o o bubbles! Have a bubbly life

Don’t worry about tomorrow because the same Heavenly Father who takes care of you today will have the same thought tomorrow and always. What does a child in the arms of such a father have to fear? Be as children, who hardly ever think about their future as they have someone to think for them. They are sufficiently strong just by being their father.
motivational sms quotes

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are full of confidence while the intelligent are full of doubts.

Be strong. Never tell yourself, “I’m tired”. The more you accept that thought, the more exhausted you’ll become. But if you tell yourself, “I can do even more.” You’ll find that there are no limits to what you can accomplish... for God never get tired of guiding you all the time. Life is a matter of perspective, either you complain because roses have thorns or you rejoice because thorns have roses. It all depends on how you look at it.(motivational sms quotes)

Only the open mind receives WISDOM. Only the open hand receives GIFTS. And … only the CUTE one receive MESSAGES from ME!

Prayer is neither an extra option… nor a last resort when all other methods have failed. When a man works, man works. But when a man prays, God works

What looks to be nothing finally that becomes everything. What is everything suddenly changes to nothing. That's life, learn to live and live to learn.

When we are given heavy loads by God, it only means that we are worthy of His trust. He always listens when we pray. Yet He answers them in His own perfect time.

“Only Buses Will Stop Here, not your Time.. So Keep Walking Towards your Goal”. Sometimes we need to fail in order to know, Sometimes we need to be hurt in order to grow, Sometimes we need to lose in order to gain Cause some life lessons are best learned through pain. Have a Great and Blessed day!(motivational sms quotes)

God loves you so much that He turns His ears to you constantly. He always answers your requests maybe not with a ‘yes’, but always with what is best.

When you reach the edge of a cliff, you must trust God enough to let go. Then one of two things will happen. Either He will catch you when you fall, or He will teach you how to fly

Our lives are not determined by what happens to us But by how we react to what happens, Not by what life brings to us, But by the attitude we bring to life.

No one has travelled the bridge of success without ever crossing the streets of failures. God never promised us an easy journey in life, only safety on board(motivational sms quotes)

If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place. If you don’t ask, the answer is most likely no. Nothing is achieved without some effort from you.

The secret to a happy life is giving God the first part of your day; the first priority to your every decision; and the first place in your heart.

Never cut the wings of your dreams, Let it fly all the time as they are the heart-beat And the freedom of your soul.(motivational sms quotes)

Prayer lifts our hearts above the battles of life, and gives us a glimpse of God's resources, which spells LOVE and HOPE. God bless you all the time!

Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, Apologize when you should, And let go of what you can’t change(motivational sms quotes)